Hello, I'm Jared

Hello, I'm Jared, amateur radio callsign K0TFU. I also have a GMRS license with callsign WSAW379. As a child, my dad and I would listen to a Heathkit shortwave radio and pick up signals from around the world. Since then I've had a fondness for amateur radio. In 2015 I finally got my license. I live in Utah near Lone Peak, which is featured in the picture on the homepage of this website.


I'm a member of the following amateur radio clubs and organizations:

Training and Certifications

I've completed the following amateur radio training and certifications.

Date Course Description
30 May 2024FEMA ISC-100.CIntroduction to the Incident Command System


Here's the formally organized events and amateur radio activities I've participated in:

Date Event Description
11 May 2024 Front Runner Century Supported a 100km bicycle ride event from Salt Lake City, UT to Ogden, UT as one of the Net Control operators linking aid stations, ride marshalls, and SAG wagons.